Jumat, 06 Maret 2009

Earn Benefits From Internet Marketing

Marketing is the best mean to survive into the current business market. Marketing is basically done to educate your established or prospective clientele about your new launching of brand name, product or services. Marketing is in a way a bond to renew your relationship with your customers and reminding them about your existence and your brand name. But sometimes this is not enough to promote the profitability of the business. With the revolutionary innovation of internet, it became very easy for all the marketing or advertising patterns to promote their products to the larger potential clientele. The internet helps to reach your business information into the every corner of the world with the help of worldwide web or internet at the fastest possible speed, placing your website on the powerful means of search engine optimization. This is the best way to reach your message to the millions of prospective clientele and this really proves fruitful in the longer run compared to the other means of the advertisements.

The forex market differs from the conventional market as it deals with the trading of foreign currencies or foreign currency exchange. Here one has to explore the possibility of making money through selling rates of the foreign currencies when it exceed than the buying rate. If the buying rate goes up you make money else you would be the loser. Despite the market of foreign exchange involves lot of risk some of the dealers in foreign exchange are still cultivating heavy gains due to their constant speculations over the currency market and understanding. Those who have developed a sound understanding of the currency market they prefer to stick to it since they involve their interest into a specific trading.

Like other regular market, forex market does not open or operate at a specific time at it is opened throughout, despite its complex mechanism, some people succeed to gain a high amount due to its fluctuation into the currency value. Sometimes if you don't concentrate on the currency movement, one might have to bear heavy losses. So it largely depends on your personal skill and professionalism to make the profitable business. Prior to invest money into the forex market with the intension of making money, it would be advisable for you to understand the method and regulations of the trade and in the beginning just invest small amount and apply your speculations to gain the sufficient knowledge. Money brokers are largely involved into this trade with their main intention to transfer the money from one country to another country when the circumstances are favorable to them.

Make Real Money Through Internet Marketing

We are fortunate that we are living in the age of Internet – a completely unprecedented age. It is because of this Internet technology that more millionaires are being created everyday from all corners of the world. There are people who have been highly successful in their various online ventures. So, the wheel is right there. You don’t have to invent a new wheel. All you have to do is just duplicate the idea and model it. For example, most people are selling something or the other on Internet. Some are working part-time, some full-time. They are making real money and getting rich.

However, I am not talking about those fairytales where you will become a millionaire overnight. Making real money on Internet is not about this. Such things can happen only through lottery, which is obviously not the kind of thing you want to do. You need to ensure that you are successful in the internet market. There are mainly three steps that you have to follow in order to do so -first, you must find out the right idea, second, work for it consistently, and third, keep patience. Once you find out the right idea, your patience and consistency is the key. You will definitely become a millionaire but only after months of hard work.

Why Internet Marketing?

Try searching “how to make money on Internet” in Google and you will be bombarded with millions of results, suggesting you an endless array of ideas. The bitter reality is that ideas other than Internet marketing are not going to make your rich. For example, there are things like paid surveys and get paid to read email, which will help make money – but not more than what you need to buy a cup of coffee. Even if you work hard for years, your income will not grow.

Next, you may also have come across moneymaking ideas like home typing work to make $3000 a day where you have to work only 2-3 hours daily. Everybody knows such things are nothing but spams – an attempt to cash on your temptation to make quick money online. Then, there are other websites that will ask you to pay a certain amount of money in order to know those secrets. Here, it is important for you to understand that if a website is genuine, it will never sell its ideas for a couple of pennies.

On the other hand, Internet marketing is not spam. It’s genuine business. The best thing about Internet marketing is that in order to get started, you need to make very minimal investment of both time and energy. What is more, the income potential is truly unlimited – the upside potential is gigantic.

By: David L.S.Y.

Make Real Money Through Internet Marketing

We are fortunate that we are living in the age of Internet – a completely unprecedented age. It is because of this Internet technology that more millionaires are being created everyday from all corners of the world. There are people who have been highly successful in their various online ventures. So, the wheel is right there. You don’t have to invent a new wheel. All you have to do is just duplicate the idea and model it. For example, most people are selling something or the other on Internet. Some are working part-time, some full-time. They are making real money and getting rich.

However, I am not talking about those fairytales where you will become a millionaire overnight. Making real money on Internet is not about this. Such things can happen only through lottery, which is obviously not the kind of thing you want to do. You need to ensure that you are successful in the internet market. There are mainly three steps that you have to follow in order to do so -first, you must find out the right idea, second, work for it consistently, and third, keep patience. Once you find out the right idea, your patience and consistency is the key. You will definitely become a millionaire but only after months of hard work.

Why Internet Marketing?

Try searching “how to make money on Internet” in Google and you will be bombarded with millions of results, suggesting you an endless array of ideas. The bitter reality is that ideas other than Internet marketing are not going to make your rich. For example, there are things like paid surveys and get paid to read email, which will help make money – but not more than what you need to buy a cup of coffee. Even if you work hard for years, your income will not grow.

Next, you may also have come across moneymaking ideas like home typing work to make $3000 a day where you have to work only 2-3 hours daily. Everybody knows such things are nothing but spams – an attempt to cash on your temptation to make quick money online. Then, there are other websites that will ask you to pay a certain amount of money in order to know those secrets. Here, it is important for you to understand that if a website is genuine, it will never sell its ideas for a couple of pennies.

On the other hand, Internet marketing is not spam. It’s genuine business. The best thing about Internet marketing is that in order to get started, you need to make very minimal investment of both time and energy. What is more, the income potential is truly unlimited – the upside potential is gigantic.

By: David L.S.Y.

Trading Option

What's option trading about? Basically, when trading options, the buyer (or taker) is purchasing buying rights from the seller (also known as a writer). Different kinds of option trading are available, though options on commodities and stocks as the most common. Option trading is a strategy that can be used in any market in which prices fluctuate, which typically includes any market environment.
Do you know how an option strategy actually operates? Here is an example. Say that a share is priced at $10.00 right now. You have feeling that it will rise to $12 over the course of a month. You would probably want to purchase as many shares as you can afford.
However, you are not always in a position to buy such shares, and often you will not have enough money to buy too many of them. In this example, if you had $1000 you could only buy 100 shares. This means you would gain $200 if the price went up as you are hoping. This is not a bad return but you may be wishing to make a bit more than $200 on the information you have.
The way trading options work are to pay a certain amount to each writer as an option. If the writers thinks the amount of the share will not change over the next month or so, it will stay at the original price of $10.00. If you then present him an option for .10 per share with an option to buy shares in $10.00 increments over that month, this should be something the writer is willing to do.
It's because he believes they will keep having a value of ten dollars and he will make a 10-cent per share profit on ones that aren't actually under his ownership, and he just has to unload them on you at their present price in 30 days, if you wish. That way, your thousand dollars could get you an option to purchase 10,000. Then, if the price rises to twelve dollars, you'll have made a profit of $2,000 since you have a purchase option for ten thousand and could sell them at $12,000. Now rather than ending up profiting by twenty percent, you'll see a one hundred percent gain instead.
In this way you can take the advantage in options trading. Though there are instances for you to acquire big loses in options trading. Presume the shares plunged to $9.90. This is a small drop but instead of losing $10, if you had purchased the shares, you will have your whole stake lost. Regardless of the risk implicated one must learn option trading and make use to benefit himself.

Trading Option

What's option trading about? Basically, when trading options, the buyer (or taker) is purchasing buying rights from the seller (also known as a writer). Different kinds of option trading are available, though options on commodities and stocks as the most common. Option trading is a strategy that can be used in any market in which prices fluctuate, which typically includes any market environment.
Do you know how an option strategy actually operates? Here is an example. Say that a share is priced at $10.00 right now. You have feeling that it will rise to $12 over the course of a month. You would probably want to purchase as many shares as you can afford.
However, you are not always in a position to buy such shares, and often you will not have enough money to buy too many of them. In this example, if you had $1000 you could only buy 100 shares. This means you would gain $200 if the price went up as you are hoping. This is not a bad return but you may be wishing to make a bit more than $200 on the information you have.
The way trading options work are to pay a certain amount to each writer as an option. If the writers thinks the amount of the share will not change over the next month or so, it will stay at the original price of $10.00. If you then present him an option for .10 per share with an option to buy shares in $10.00 increments over that month, this should be something the writer is willing to do.
It's because he believes they will keep having a value of ten dollars and he will make a 10-cent per share profit on ones that aren't actually under his ownership, and he just has to unload them on you at their present price in 30 days, if you wish. That way, your thousand dollars could get you an option to purchase 10,000. Then, if the price rises to twelve dollars, you'll have made a profit of $2,000 since you have a purchase option for ten thousand and could sell them at $12,000. Now rather than ending up profiting by twenty percent, you'll see a one hundred percent gain instead.
In this way you can take the advantage in options trading. Though there are instances for you to acquire big loses in options trading. Presume the shares plunged to $9.90. This is a small drop but instead of losing $10, if you had purchased the shares, you will have your whole stake lost. Regardless of the risk implicated one must learn option trading and make use to benefit himself.

Kamis, 22 Januari 2009

Ragam Potensi Wisata Merauke

Dari Sabang sampai Merauke
Berjajar pulau-pulau
Sambung-menyambung menjadi satu Itulah Indonesia....
Masih ingat lagu yang membanggakan itu? Lagu ciptaan R. Surarjo tersebut sering dinyanyikan tatkala kita duduk di
bangku sekolah dulu. Sabang adalah kota di bagian paling Barat wilayah Indonesia, terletak di Pulau We, Nanggroe
Aceh Darussalam. Sedangkan Merauke merupakan kota/kabupaten di wilayah paling Timur Indonesia, Provinsi Papua
yang berbatasan langsung dengan negara Papua Nugini (PNG).
Beberapa tahun lalu, lagu di atas, khususnya larik pertama, sempat "dikomplain" oleh Bupati Merauke Drs Johanes
Gluba Gebze. Menurutnya, waktu terbit matahari di Merauke dua jam lebih awal dibandingkan dengan munculnya sang
surya di bagian Barat wilayah Indonesia. Tetapi banyak orang menyebut bentang wilayah RI dari Sabang hingga
Merauke, bukan sebaliknya.
Terlepas dari ungkapan tersebut, tentu lebih menyenangkan bila Anda melihat dari dekat kekayaan alam dan pesona
Merauke. Mengunjungi Merauke, apalagi dari Jakarta, Anda harus siap menempuh perjalanan panjang dan transit di
beberapa bandar udara.
Namun kepenatan itu berakhir ketika pesawat mendarat di Bandar Udara Mopah, Merauke. Lelah dan rasa kantuk
akibat kurang tidur langsung lenyap ketika mendapati kamar hotel memiliki penyejuk ruangan. Sesuatu yang tak diduga
dan terbayangkan dari awal.
Pikiran bakal tak bisa tidur nyenyak karena khawatir terkena malaria, mulai sirna. Mengingat tingkat kelembaban di
Merauke cukup tinggi, berkisar 78-81 persen berdasarkan data di Kantor Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika (BMG)
setempat. Apalagi sekitar 75 persen kawasan Merauke masih diselimuti hutan yang cukup lebat.
Potensi Wisata
Kabupaten Merauke merupakan salah satu dari 29 kabupaten/kota yang ada di Provinsi Papua, belum termasuk 6
kabupaten baru hasil pemekaran wilayah yang disetujui Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) awal Desember lalu.
Bila di sebelah Timur Merauke berbatasan dengan PNG, maka di Utara berhadapan dengan Kabupaten Boven Digul
dan Kabupaten Mappi. Sedangkan di bagian Barat dengan Kabupaten Asmat dan di Selatan terbentang Laut Arafura.
Dengan luas wilayah 45.071 kilometer persegi, Kabupaten Merauke memiliki potensi sumber daya alam yang besar.
Sementara pariwisata dan budaya merupakan salah satu potensi yang turut mendukung. Sektor pertanian, kehutanan,
perikanan dan kelautan merupakan sektor-sektor unggulan dan prospektif.
Secara umum potensi wisata di Merauke dapat dipilah-pilah berdasarkan wisata alam, sejarah, dan budaya. Wisata
alam meliputi pantai-pantai di bagian selatan, taman nasional, suaka margasatwa atau cagar alam, dan penangkaran
Wisata sejarah antara lain melihat Tugu Pepera yang menceritakan kembalinya Irian Barat ke pangkuan RI. Ada juga
tugu peringatan masuknya agama Katolik di Merauke. Obyek wisata lainnya Tugu Kembar yang hanya terdapat di
Sabang dan Merauke.
Untuk wisata budaya dapat Anda saksikan pada waktu-waktu tertentu atau khusus saat upacara adat atau menyambut
tamu negara dan tamu penting yang datang ke Merauke. Di Distrik Kimaam setiap bulan Agustus kabarnya juga
diadakan Festival Dambu yang menampilkan tari dan gulat tradisional.
Distrik Kimaam merupakan lokasi terjauh yang dapat dicapai dari Kota Merauke. Setidaknya dibutuhkan waktu 45 menit
dengan pesawat perintis atau 12 jam dengan kapal motor. Belum ada rute melalui jalan darat.
Rumah Semut
Topografi Merauke umumnya datar dan berawa di sepanjang pantai. Pantai selatannya dibentuk oleh hutan sedimen,
tergolong endapan aluvium. Di beberapa tempat tanahnya mirip tanah rawa seperti lumpur yang berwarna abu-abu.
Karena berdataran rendah, jangan berharap Anda melihat gunung di sana.
Pantai yang cukup dikenal Pantai Lampu Satu di Kampung Imbuti, sekitar 4 kilometer dari pusat Kota Merauke. Diberi
nama Lampu lantaran di sana ada mercusuar yang tegak berdiri menghadap ke laut. Di pantai dengan hamparan pasir
sangat panjang ini, Anda bisa menyaksikan matahari tenggelam (sunset).
Di pantai ini Anda dapat menyaksikan kapal-kapal kayu pencari ikan berlabuh. Lautnya menjadi tempat para nelayan
mencari ikan. Beberapa anak kecil asyik bermain pasir dan sebagian bermain sepak bola.
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Kondisi serupa juga tampak di Pantai Natsai atau kadang disebut Pantai Wendu karena terletak di Kelurahan Wendu.
Berjarak kurang lebih 25 kilometer dari pusat kota, pantai ini bisa dibilang pantai mati. Nyaris tak ada orang dan kegiatan
apapun di lokasi ini. Beberapa pondok seadanya yang masih berdiri tampaknya telah lama ditinggal pemiliknya. Di pantai
ini ada jajaran pohon nyiur yang melambai-lambai tertiup angin.
Selain pantai, obyek wisata alam yang cukup terkenal dan diminati adalah Taman Nasional (TN) Wasur dan sebagian
kecil ke Cagar Alam Kumbe. Para pengunjung biasanya turis dan peneliti yang berasal dari luar Merauke. Jaraknya
cukup jauh dari Kota Merauke dan belum ada angkutan umum yang melintas. Kendati dari Kota Merauke jaraknya cuma
15 kilometer, dibutuhkan waktu kira-kira 1 jam untuk mencapai TN Wasur.
Luas TN Wasur 413.810 hektar. Penetapan Wasur sebagai Taman Nasional dikukuhkan lewat Surat Keputusan Menteri
Kehutanan Nomor 448/Menhut-VI/90 tertanggal 6 Maret 1990. Di dalam kawasan TN ini terdapat berbagai jenis fauna
dan flora yang termasuk langka dan hanya terdapat di Papua. Beberapa satwa di antaranya adalah Burung Kasuari
(Casuarius galeatus), Cenderawasih (Paradisidae), dan Kanguru yang berukuran lebih kecil dibanding kangguru
Australia (Marcropus). Dari beberapa jenis kanguru, yang sering ditemui adalah kanguru tanah (Thyloyale brunii).
Sepanjang perjalanan melalui TN Wasur, Anda dapat melihat gundukan-gundukan tanah setinggi 3-5 meter di tepi jalan.
Itu adalah rumah-rumah semut yang dibangun selama bertahun-tahun. Penduduk di sana menyebutnya Musamus.
Rumah semut ini menjadi simbol semangat bagi masyarakat Merauke.
Tugu Kembar
Obyek wisata sejarah Merauke umumnya berupa monumen atau tugu yang berkaitan dengan peristiwa tertentu, seperti
Tugu Pepera yang dibangun pada 17 September 1969 untuk memperingati bersatunya wilayah Irian Barat (sekarang
Papua) ke negara Indonesia.
Ada juga tugu peringatan yang berhubungan dengan agama, yaitu 100 tahun masuknya agama Katolik di Merauke
(pada 14 Agustus 1905 misionaris Katolik masuk ke Merauke). Sebagian besar warga Merauke beragama Katolik dan
Kristen Protestan. Jumlah penduduk diperkirakan mencapai 180.000 jiwa (hasil sensus pada tahun 2005 berjumlah
hampir 174.000 orang).
Sewaktu Irian Barat masih dibawah kendali Pemerintah Hindia Belanda, Indonesia menerjunkan sejumlah pasukan
untuk merebutnya, termasuk di Merauke yang dipimpin oleh (saat itu) Mayor LB Moerdani (belakangan antara lain
menjadi Panglima ABRI). Tepatnya pada 4 Juni 1962. Untuk mengenang peristiwa pendaratan itu dibuatlah Tugu LB
Moerdani oleh Pemerintah Daerah Merauke. Obyek wisata ini terletak di Distrik Tanah Miring, kurang lebih 25 kilometer
dari Kota Merauke.
Selain itu ada Tugu Sabang-Merauke, tugu kembaran yang hanya terdapat di Sabang dan Merauke. Bentuknya yang
sama menggambarkan luas wilayah Indonesia dari Sabang hingga Merauke. Tugu yang masuk ke dalam Distrik Sota ini
berjarak sekitar 80 kilometer dari Kota Merauke. Di dekat tugu berdiri pos yang dijaga oleh personil TNI. Tempat yang
dulu sepi kini berubah menjadi ramai karena di sekitarnya berjejer warung-warung makanan yang dikelola oleh para
pendatang, umumnya berasal dari Pulau Jawa.
Tak jauh dari Tugu Sabang-Merauke, kurang lebih 500 meter, berdiri sebuah tugu yang merupakan garis batas
Indonesia dan PNG. Tugu setinggi kira-kira 1,6 meter ini diresmikan pada November 1983. Batas tanda ditetapkan
dengan koordinat posisi lintang selatan 8 derajat 25' 45" dan bujur timur 141 derajat 01' 10". Kawasan setelah tugu
sebenarnya merupakan daerah tak bertuan (no-man's land) namun sering digunakan pelintas batas sebagai jalan
setapak untuk kegiatan ekonomi.
Daging Rusa
Keramaian di Kota Merauke mungkin baru bisa disejajarkan dengan kondisi kota kecamatan di Pulau Jawa. Hampir
seluruh kegiatan usaha masyarakat dipusatkan atau berada di sepanjang Jalan Raya Mandala yang panjang, selain di
pasar tradisional. Bank, pasar swalayan, toko elektronik, hotel, rumah atau tempat jajanan dapat ditemui di sini. Bahkan
gerai-gerai penjual telepon selular dan pulsa mudah dijumpai.
Khusus untuk rumah makan Anda akan sedikit kesulitan menikmati daging sapi atau kerbau. Masakan atau makanan
yang menggunakan daging sebagai bahan utamanya sering dihidangkan berupa daging rusa. Harga daging sapi atau
kerbau yang lebih tinggi merupakan salah satu penyebab. Namun demikian, bukankah ini menambah pengalaman
wisata kuliner Anda?
Beberapa rumah di jalan kecil (sekitarnya) juga dimanfaatkan sebagai sentra kerajinan tangan dan oleh-oleh. Tas,
sepatu, ikat pinggang, dan dompet yang dibuat dari kulit satwa, atau dendeng rusa, misalnya. Karena keaslian bahan
dan kualitas pembuatan yang baik, seorang teman berniat akan memborong dalam jumlah banyak dan menjualnya
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kembali di Jakarta dengan harga lebih tinggi.
Ada yang tidak lazim dalam berusaha di sini, sesuatu yang sulit terjadi di daerah lain. Toko dan tempat-tempat usaha
nyaris seluruhnya ditutup pada pukul 12-13 dan dibuka kembali pada pukul 17-18 WIT. Dan ini berlaku tiap hari. Tak
diketahui dengan pasti sejak kapan dan kenapa ini dilakukan. Begitu juga dengan angkutan umum dalam kota. Tarifnya
Rp 2.500 per orang. Tetapi trayeknya bisa berubah mengikuti keinginan sejumlah penumpang ke suatu lokasi di luar
jalur utama. Bayangkan kalau ada 1-2 orang lain di dalamnya yang tergesa-gesa namun mesti ikut mengantar.
Jalan di ibu kota kabupaten dan sekitarnya layak dinikmati dan mulus. Barangkali yang patut dibanggakan adalah
dipasangnya sebuah jembatan rangka baja sepanjang 565 meter di atas Sungai Maro. Kira-kira 7 kilometer dari pusat
kota. Dari atas jembatan ini kita dapat menyaksikan matahari terbit (sunrise) dan terbenam (sunset).
Jembatan ini berperan sangat penting bagi mobilisasi warga, karena menghubungkan beberapa distrik sekaligus seperti
Kumbe, Semangga, Jagebob, dan Tanah Miring. Sekadar mengingatkan, di distrik terakhir ini Presiden Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono beserta rombongan sempat melakukan panen raya padi musim tanam 2005/2006 di lahan seluas 4.700
Tips Perjalanan
Nama Merauke berasal dari ungkapan "Maro ka ehe liki" yang berarti sungai ini bernama Maro. Kebetulan Kota
Merauke sendiri terletak di tepi Sungai Maro. Melalui perjalanan waktu sebutan Maroke atau Meroke akhirnya berubah
menjadi Merauke.
Hingga kini baru satu maskapai penerbangan nasional yaitu Merpati yang melakukan penerbangan menuju ke Merauke
dari Jakarta dan kota-kota tempat transit. Lainnya hanya sampai di Jayapura atau Mimika (Kabupaten Timika). Namun
demikian, dari kedua kota itu ada juga penerbangan ke Merauke.
Di luar waktu transit yang berbeda-beda, lama penerbangan dari Jakarta- Merauke kira-kira 7-8 jam. Sebaliknya, dari
Merauke-Jakarta bisa lebih cepat sampai karena tidak transit di Biak. Selain dengan pesawat udara, Anda juga dapat
menggunakan angkutan kapal laut. Kabarnya, hanya ada satu kali dalam sebulan, itu pun berangkat dari Surabaya.
Sedikitnya diperlukan waktu 9 hari tiba di Merauke bila cuaca bersahabat.
Untuk penginapan banyak pilihan hotel yang memadai dengan harga bervariasi. Setidaknya ada 9 hotel yang sebagian
besar terletak di Jalan Raya Mandala. Satu hotel milik pemerintah daerah yang terletak di Jalan Trikora sering menjadi
Begitu juga untuk urusan perut. Tak sulit mencari tempat makan yang menunya beragam baik masakan Jawa, Cina,
Padang atau makanan Indonesia lainnya. Anda juga dapat menyicipi makanan khas Papua seperti sagu sep dan papeda
di restoran tertentu.
Anda bisa menyewa kendaraan roda dua atau empat untuk keliling kota Merauke. Angkutan umum biasanya hanya
beroperasi di dalam Kota Merauke. Alternatif lain, mengontak agen dan biro perjalanan setempat.
Sumber: Majalah Travel Club
Peta Lokasi :
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Advertising Tips - Advertising On TV

Advertisements of products, organizations, and services are generally aired on television. This is be done by buying slots on the airtime from a particular television channel. Price depends on the popularity of the channel, time the commercial is being aired, number of viewers and length of the commercial. Placing a commercial on local channels is more inexpensive than on national channel where the cost is almost double.
When thinking of placing a commercial on television it is advised that you first understand what audience needs to be reached. Different audiences have different taste, which can be determined by their choice of television show like celebrity talk, cartoons, sports, reality, news, movies, soaps, prime time etc. Prime time is usually from 6 to 7 pm and is the most expensive slot. Following it is the news time at noon or 10-11 pm slots, which are proven to be the most effective time slots for the success of a commercial. More inexpensive is the 12-4 pm soap time. Always check out with the income representative for the prices. When advertising on national level, check out an ad agency that usually works on commission basis. It's highly recommended to negotiate during a re-run of the advertisement and stay away from paying the complete amount.
Compare the prices of different networks and different programs before you place an ad. Another money saving trick is to buy a thirty seconds slot and air commercials of ten to fifteen seconds of length one after the other. This increases the possibility of target viewers seeing the commercial without the cost of re-runs. But this is risky as the pressure of conveying critical information in a short period of time increases. So the commercials should not be so short that the actual message couldn't be delivered correctly to the audience. Usually a reminder commercial can be of a shorter duration.
Look out for the people who would like to buy a slot that has already been purchased. This can be very tricky as it will be more like a bid for which they will be ready to pay a larger amount sometimes even double because they badly need a slot. This usually happens during the holiday season, which comes in the last quarter of the year around New Years Eve, Thanksgiving holidays and Christmas holidays. Best time of the year to buy slots for commercial is the first and second quarter of the year. Price is usually negotiable during the first quarter as the income representatives give discounts to advertisers who have spend a lot of money advertising during the holiday season and are trying to recover from it.
If planning to pay for advertising commercials for the whole year check out the discounts that are being offered for advertising round the year. Usually a five percent discount is offered when signing for a six-month time period and ten percent when signing for a twelve-month time period. But do keep in mind to check out exactly when the commercials are being aired because these discounts are usually offered to distract people from this point and the commercials are aired during odd hours and also not during the holiday season.
The very first commercial to go on air was of Bulova Watch Company on WNBC, United States of USA on July 1, 1941. And ever since then there have been no stopping and now commercials sell anything that one can ever imagine.

By: Melinda Mahrer